Saturday, June 16, 2012

Please Reply‏

David Neil Sobreira (

I will like to apologize for contacting you in this manner over a
transaction of this magnitude since we all know that the internet is not a
safe means of communication but it was due to a matter of necessity, i had
to do a thorough search on the internet and finally came across your


  1. Ahhh...David is trying to contact me too!

    Sent from an email address connected to a Vietnamese shipping yard.

    I sent him my son's photo and SSN. Was that a mistake?

  2. Why in the HE!! would you send a SS # to someone you don't know

  3. I got this message as well and I sent him all the information including mother's maiden name, bank account info, SS# and name for my ex wife...figured it was time...expecially since she abandoned our son 6 months ago...
